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  • christinekoppel

Yom Ha'Shoah Holocaust Remembrance Day

So this morning I am reading with my children in the Book of Joshua. Joshua Ch. 11-12, a battle of the kings of the North and all other kings in the Promised Land (31 total) coming against Joshua and the people of Israel. When I finish reading, I am reminded of Ezekiel Ch. 38, v. 15-23 which states in the last days Gog and a great number of peoples will come out of the North against Israel. I see God speak that the battles of Joshua, starting with Jericho and all the others are a shadow of things to come. A day comes before us, when once again, Israel will be attacked from the north and once again, God will fight for true Israel and all those grafted into Israel (the land will experience a saving of those who love Him and a purging of those who refuse Him).

My son Elijah, 7 years old, is sitting next to me. He sees a picture in my Bible of Ezekiel. He asks me "what is that live person doing in the midst of all those skeletons, Mom?" I tell him Ezekiel, the prophet, is prophesying over these dry bones as the Lord God commands him and the people of Israel are coming back to life, physically and spiritually.

Ezekiel 37: 4-11 says "Prophesy over these bones," He said unto me. Say to them: Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord (Adonai)! Thus says Adonai Elohim to these bones, Behold, I will cause Ruach (My Holy Spirit) to enter you, so you will live. I will attach tendons to you, bring flesh on you and cover you with skin. Then I will put breath in you. You will live. You will know that I am the LORD. So I prophesied... Then He said to me, Prophesy to the Spirit. Prophesy, son of man, and say to the Spirit, thus says Adonai Elohim, Come from the four winds, Holy Spirit! Breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied just as He commanded me. The Holy Spirit came into them and they lived. They stood up on their feet, a vast ARMY. Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole House of Israel...(Ezekiel 37:4-11).

God speaks to me and my children powerfully on this day of remembering the Holocaust and I know I am to share this message. The dry bones of Israel, from so much persecution, whether Haman, Antiochus, Constantine, Hitler, and so many others. are all before the eyes of the God of Israel, not one bone is not accounted for. In our day, He is calling them back to life - the branches broke off the olive tree (Romans 11) natural (the Jewish people called back to their Messiah) and all of us grafted in to the House of Israel. The God of Israel calls us forth as His great army for the days ahead, for such a time as this... Right now, we are standing in the valley of Judgement (Jehoshaphat), the valley of decision, to stand with the only true God, the God of Israel. He will and is healing the BREACH in His House.

I have learned it will cost us something to stand openly and vocally with Israel and the Jewish people (the root of our faith), to stand against anti-semitism, to humble ourselves and repent for believing or even preaching the lies of replacement theology, for ignoring the fact that the Jewish people also need their Jewish Messiah as much as we do (dualism), for speaking up against the silence that has prevailed in the church on these matters, to repent for the silence that allowed the holocaust to happen in the first place; I have felt the push-back but it will cost SO much more to those who do not stand with the TRUTH or continue to ignore it. The God of Israel fights for Israel, His people, and those (all the remnants of all the nations) who have been grafted in to His House. We must remember not just the Holocaust but where we have come from, so we can understand where we are going (prophecy). God is tearing down old lies that have prevailed with a wrecking ball, with a hammer, with fire... He will build His House His Way, both Jewish and Gentile believers together. WE will be held accountable to understand, to repent, and to build the true House of God (Ephesians 2:11-22); not my words but His (Joel 3 and throughout the Bible, everywhere). YOM Ha'Shoah. Holocaust Remembrance Day. Shalom!

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