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  • christinekoppel

Word from the Lord

A Word from the Lord. Get your Bibles:). Read for yourselves. And Joshua said unto the people, :Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you. Joshua 3:5

Last night, a U.S. drone struck a car/vehicle in Baghdad and killed Suleimani, the General of the Iranian military force. We did this in response to recent attacks by Iran on our embassy in Iraq and because of many other incidents where Iran has killed American soldiers.

The news is filled with the Story. The Middle East continues to heat up. The prophetic Word is unfolding. God, YEHOVAH, is in control no matter how chaotic it gets. We just have to be on His side (please read Joel 3). Devotion - ..."For you have not passed this WAY before. Joshua 3:4 Again,cHadashah - word for NEW in Hebrew. Isaiah 43:19 For tomorrow (in the days ahead), the Lord will do wonders among you. Joshua 3:5 There is a bitter, vicious fight coming - whose side are you on? The Lord says: Watch (Isaiah 21:11-12, and many more). Know and Understand the Prophetic Word (Luke 12:56, more). Take your stand with Israel and the Jewish people (Joel 3, more) Do not be silent (Isaiah 62) The reference to scripture above is only the very very tip of the iceberg. Do you know what God is saying in our day? It is right in His Word. Ignorance and/or pride or busyness will be no excuse. Leaders will be especially held accountable to feed God's flock the whole Word of God that will prepare and strengthen God's people for such a time as this.... The five fold ministry is not a luxury, a choice; it is a necessity. We are to work together in the Body of Jesus (Yeshua). This morning I was singing the words "Will you see with me? Will you see with me? I stand and cry in the wilderness... We must awaken and prepare the Way of the Lord. God will not wait on our timetable. All will be done at the appointed time (that only He knows) but we are responsible to WATCH or heed the call of those who are watching, Luke 12:56 Isaiah 62 6) and pray (Isaiah 30:21). He will show us the WAY, for we have not passed this Way before. I am hosting a Prophetic Word study starting January 9. If anyone has read this far and is interested, please make a comment or contact me through messenger. Thank you!

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