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  • christinekoppel

The Hebrew Word for 2020

The Hebrew Word for 2020 – cHadashah (pronounced Kadashah, all short a sounds:), which means NEW. God is taking off the veil for those who will see. There is a window of grace to see what He is doing in all the earth. We must be willing to shake off the old and put on the NEW and SEE!

For the Jewish people, the blinders are coming off and the spirit of slumber (Romans 11:8) must be replacedwith the Spirit of the fear of the LORD Yeshua (Isaiah 11:1). They will see even as we love them back into the Kingdom of God!

For the Gentiles (all other nations), we must see we have inherited a mix of truth and lies and we must cut off all that is not of the WORD of GOD (Jesus). Jeremiah 16:9 says O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the DAY of Affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto Thee from the ends of the earth and shall say, Surely, our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit (e.g. Council of Nicaea stopped a lot of heresy but at the same time brought in the greatest heresy of all, the cutting off of our Jewish roots – oh how tragic it has been).

Now is the time to decide where you stand (please read Joel 3 with fresh, open eyes). Ignorance and pride will not be an excuse. We must see TRUTH and love each other in the TRUTH. There is no other way.

2020 – A Year of continuing Grace to see Truth and to see blinders coming off and the wall coming down between Jew and Gentile believers; it is a YEAR OF NEW. New wine will not stay in old wine skins. Ask the Lord for NEW, for humility, for eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart that understands what He is doing in all the earth. He continues to tear down the middle wall of partition (Ephesians 2:14) and build His House from those who originally gave us our Messiah through the seed of David, and gave us the Holy Bible through the writings of the Jewish disciples and then from all nations who have, through belief in Jesus (Yeshua) been grafted in to the Tree of Life (the House of Israel). Romans 11!

The wall is crumbling, cracking, falling stone by stone, even now as many Jewish people’s eyes are being opened to the Truth of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, the Messiah). Their Salvation unleashes the greatest REVIVAL around the world ever known.

For those who will SEE, may you continue to overflow with the fruit of the Holy Spirit and flourish in the year to come! Happy, Joyful 2020!

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