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  • christinekoppel

Pray for the Pool of Siloam

Pray for the Pool of Siloam (see John Ch. 9 where Jesus healed the blind man) found again in 2004!

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There is an appointed time (mo’edim) for everything. Please pray in the Spirit for the release of the land above the Pool of Siloam in the City of David. The Pool of Siloam was discovered “accidentally” in 2004 by Eli Shukron and Ronny Reich, Israeli archeaologists. Pray the orchard above the Pool will be released as a first fruits offering unto the Lord God of Israel. Pray for the release of this Holy Spirit power of this treasure. God speaks to me prophetically. It is time for release and it is tied to the Pool of Siloam release. Those who see, pray with me and say Amen! This Word was to be sent out on Iyyar 1, April 25, 2020 (today) for many reasons the Lord shows me, but it would be too much to explain all here😊. In short, Iyyar (in the Jewish calendar) falls between the great month of redemption (Nisan) and great month of revelation (Sivan). We are on a journey between Passover (repentance and blood covering) to the 49 days until Shavout (Pentecost) the great ingathering of the Harvest of God and Revelation. We need Holy Spirit power release for this great Harvest! We need the church to understand the symbolic importance of the Pool of Siloam. Please share this with friends. Scriptures to look up: John 9:7 (eyes to see), Nehemiah 10:35 (first fruit offering), Isaiah 45:8 (Sea of Galilee filling up with the rain, dew, happened just this month after being “dry” for so long!) and water released from the fountain (Pool of Siloam), together! Also Psalm 85:8-11 and Ephesians 2 (Jewish and Gentile believers Together in Spirit, God’s True Tabernacle not made with human hands). There are many articles on the Pool of Siloam. is good place to research the Pool of Siloam for a start. God releases in the physical what He is about to do in amazing ways in the Spiritual realm. Old Testament to New. Concealed (treasure), revealed (prophetically) today. Shadows, symbolism, the beauty and depth of the Word of God! Toda Raba (Hebrew for thank you very much)! I hope this blessed you! Shalom! Berachot Ha’Olam! (Blessings forever) Ha’RuacH Ha’Kodesh – Holy Spirit in Hebrew Ha’Olam - forever

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