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  • christinekoppel

Passover and Jesus

The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World and Passover Yesterday evening was the beginning of Passover (which lasts all this week, and in 2020 the same week as Easter). My family and I celebrated Passover together as we retold the story of Moses! It was beautiful! The symbolic seder plate with a lamb shank bone, parsley and horseradish, charoset (Kelly and I made this from apples, dates, walnuts, cinnamon, ginger, orange juice; tastes like apple pie!), and the somewhat bitter romaine lettuce, all through symbolism, helped to tell the story of deliverance from slavery. The matzo, pierced (pierced for our transgressions), striped (by His stripes, we are healed), and unleavened (without sin), also adds layers of meaning to the story of God's redemptive plan for all who will believe. As the story goes, God spoke through Moses to Pharaoh, "Let My People Go!" Most of us know that even after 9 plagues, Pharoah's heart was still hardened. Finally, after the 10th plague, he relented. This is where the story points directly to our Lord and Savior Jesus! The children of Israel are told to kill a perfect lamb (Exodus 12:7) and "paint" its blood on the door posts and lintel of their dwellings to protect them from the angel of death. This was the last plague. Everyone who did not have the protection of the blood of the lamb would be under God's wrath and their first born son would die. And so it was and so it still is. All of Egypt who did not have this covering (who worshiped many other gods) mourned as death struck Egypt's firstborn. Pharaoh also lost his firstborn son. In his grief, he commands the Israelites to LEAVE! The blood of the Lamb in Exodus 12 is pointing to Jesus/Yeshua! Jesus is the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!" John 1:29 Jesus celebrated Passover every year of His life. He died exactly at the time of Passover. He was crucified at 9 am when the first Passover lambs were being sacrificed and He died at 3pm when the last of the Passover lambs were killed. At that hour, our Lord and Savior proclaimed, "It is finished!" and He gave up His spirit. With His blood covering, we are saved. We are no longer under the wrath of the holiness of God. Jesus' blood covers all our sins, and death no longer can touch us. We have eternal life! There is a beautiful connection between the story in Exodus 12 and the Salvation plan for all who will believe and know the Lord Jesus! Passover adds deep roots to our celebration of Easter! So much beauty is in this celebration that is for both Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus/Yeshua. There was great joy in celebrating Passover in our home! I hope you will celebrate it too if you do not already! CHag PesacH SameacH! Hebrew for Happy Passover! and Happy Easter!

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