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  • christinekoppel

Message for The Bride

The Lord woke me with these words this morning at about 6am; I only had the first stanza that kept going through my mind so I got up to write them. As soon as I wrote them down, more words followed and this is what He said. I hope it blesses you. I gave the poem a title later this morning; it sounded like it was to His Bride, to all of us that wait for Him expectantly and watch for Him.

To His Bride

Your sorrow is deep The river is wide You go to hide under the wings of My prize, Israel

There is comfort there for the weary There is Rest for those distressed My eyes are on the sparrow And I am with you, My Love My heart aches for your tears are held behind a veil of Mystery where you cry for those you can not see and for those who will not see My Life is bound up in the trials of My people The Story is almost complete Come walk with Me in these final days and see what you will see Hold on to My Hand until we make it Home again The days are shorter than you know I will hold you through the deepest pain and comfort all you sorrow When the WAR is ended and the rage subsides You will see through the dust and the pain The LIGHT of My Love breaking through And I AM will forever reign Come, My dove, and fly with Me Til the day of My Wrath be over past And I will hide you in the cleft of the Rock Til the days of rejoicing come at last. Rejoice! Rejoice! For the time is come Our KING is coming! Our King is coming! Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus, the Messiah) our glorious, Almighty King! He rides on the clouds now And we will see Him soon! By Christine through the Lord's leading I fell back asleep til 9am (fighting the flu/cold). I open God's Words to where I left off yesterday in Isaiah. I see these verses - Isaiah 45:22-25 and Isaiah 46:13. Look unto Me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else. I have sworn by Myself, the Word is gone out of My mouth in Righteousness, and shall not return. That unto Me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Surely one shall say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength. Even to him shall people come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed. In the Lord shall All the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory. Isaiah 46:13 I bring near My righteousness; it shall not be far off and My Salvation shall not tarry. And I will place Salvation in Zion, for Israel, My glory. I share for God calls me to prepare the Way of the Lord and encourage His Bride....

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