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  • christinekoppel

Long Night

It’s been a long night. We have been asleep for so long. (Romans 11:8) We have not seen our own blindness. We have looked the other way, not understanding our view has been obscured. Things of this world, man’s ideas, blocking the LIGHT of God’s Word. But the day is coming. The dawn is on the horizon. The first rays of LIGHT are upon us. Awake House of God! Awake from your slumber! The tree of Life languishes in the dark, cut from its roots, trampled underfoot for almost 2000 years (Luke 21:24, Romans 11). This time has ended. A new day dawns. (Isaiah 43:19). Look watchman on the Wall! See, a LION! The Lion of Judah. He comes! (Isaiah 21:6-12). Heal the Breach (Isaiah 58:12)! Prepare the Way! Heed His Word! The Jewish roots and the Gentile and Jewish branches together again. Then the Lord comes to dwell with us forever (Ephesians 2:11-22). And all the nations shall be blessed through Israel (Genesis 22:18, 26:4, 28:13-14, Genesis 12:3, 18:18 etc.) And I will fight all those who come against her (Zechariah 12:3-6, 8-10). Hear the Word of the Lord! See the Dawn is coming! Awake! See! O Lord, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts that understand. Help us to stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters, to stand with Israel and not be silent (Psalm 32:3, Isaiah 62). Help us to see Your heart and to bring You joy Lord Jesus (Yeshua) with our obedience. Make us ready, Your Bride, for Your return!

(Photos from our trip to Israel in June 2018, sunrise over Jerusalem, taken 5:06am 6/16/2018, fruitful olive tree, Temple steps from the days of Jesus 6/15/2018).

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