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  • christinekoppel

Feast of Shavuot!

Feast of Shavuot! What is it and how can you celebrate it? Or another great question, what does the Book of Ruth have to do with CHEESECAKE? (Celebration May 28-29, 2020!) Okay, quickly: It is a celebration of both the giving of the Word of God at Mount Sinai and the pouring out of God's Holy Spirit in Acts 2. It is a celebration of the Great Harvest and the gathering of the Bride of Jesus before His coming again. It is one of the 7 feasts of Leviticus 23 that God instructs the people of Israel to celebrate each year. Why? Although they did not know it at the time, all of His Story is outlined in the Feasts of Leviticus 23. They were given to point to the coming Messiah, Jesus. Passover points to Jesus, our Passover Lamb. Shavuot points to Jesus who is the Word of God and who poured out His Holy Spirit on the Jewish believers in Acts 2 and then to the Gentiles in Acts 10 for the gathering of the Great Harvest. Feast of Trumpets (coming in the fall) points to the day the Great Trumpet will be blown to gather all God's children in the rapture. Feast of Tabernacles (also in the fall) points to the Marriage celebration of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7) when Jesus is united with His Bride (Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua together). So rejoice! The time of waiting (counting of the omer) between Passover and Shavuot (as we all have felt so deeply in the past 49 days) is almost over. The time of the Harvest (Shavuot) begins tonight and celebrated by many this Friday night. How can you celebrate with God's people? Set apart Friday for a candle light dinner for your family. Pray together. Read the Book of Ruth together (tradition for Shavuot!) Include a dessert made with milk and honey like Cheesecake! (also tradition during Shavuot like the reading of the Book of Ruth!) So now you know:) Give thanks to God for the Great Harvest just ahead of us and for preparing His Bride for when Jesus comes again! Some people will stay up all night reading the Word of God together, snacking, watching the stars and praising God but not everyone can hold on all night:). Like us:) You can read so much more on the Feasts for Christian believers, understanding our Jewish roots, in a book titled Feasts of Adonai, by Valerie Moody. I also have a teaching on this that goes deeper and shows Passover's intimate ties to Shavuot. So awesome! Thanks for reading! God is moving mightily! It is great to be building and moving with Him even as He teaches us the depth of our faith. We can only know where we are going, if we know where we have been. Our Jewish roots are important as tree roots are to a thriving tree. Happy Shavuot!!!

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