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  • christinekoppel

A Word for Today

A Word for today - especially with the attacks coming on our nation and in our personal lives. I have been studying Job. The portion this morning, is relevant so I felt led to share. I have been studying in the Hebrew and English. This is joy for me. His Word is a Light onto my path, unto our path... Job 5:8-17 Nevertheless, I need, must seek out God, and to Elohim, there I will appoint my words, I will speak. Who does great things and there is no searching them out, wonderful things without number Who gives rain (torrents) on the face of the earth and sends water to the face of open places. He values the humiliated, weak (cast down) ones; the crooked, twisted counsel of the cunning and deceitful will go awry, will not succeed. By day, they encounter darkness, and in the afternoon they grope as in the night. He saves the poor from the sword of their mouth (gossip, slander, lies) and from the strong hand. There will be to the poor HOPE תהי לדל תקוה , and her mouth (the Bride) ascends, rises, appears suddenly! עלתה קפצה פיה Behold the person who is proven by Elohai will be overjoyed, (great joy) to the one who does not grow bored with or tire of תמאס the principles מוסר of Shaddai שדי. Job 5:8-17 (English translation of the Hebrew)

YHVH God will come to our defense. He knows the ones who are setting traps, speaking deceitfully, weaving webs of deception. The Bride rises up to speak - Beware the false prophets/prophetesses rising as well. We must be very careful. Smooth words do not mean they are from YHVH Elohim. They must be based in scripture, a lot of scripture. We must never tire of studying His Word, for truly it is our only safeguard as the Holy Spirit teaches us, We must make time to be alone with God every day. Pray for our nation and for our former president that he will escape the trap of deceitful people, and that these traps they have set will fall on their own heads. That goes for all the deceitful who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. I am praying for discernment, strength, courage, joy and Victory for the Bride of Yeshua. Praise Yeshua! Praise the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Blessings and Shalom!

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