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  • christinekoppel

A Treasure Worth Seeking!

The Pool of Siloam, deep in the ground Digging, repairing, a treasure is found A treasure of wonder, a pearl of Great Price “I hear something rumbling,” Eli cries with surprise, “Oh, stop the machinery, stop all the noise, A treasure of wonder, we’re meant to rejoice!” The stones cry out now, and in days up ahead The diggers are digging, and what was once dead Is called with a voice, so loud and so clear, “Up from the ashes”, proclaim, “I am near!” The voices of wonder, the pool of Siloam Unearthed and restored, the Lord calls us Home! I pray for the waters, to once again flow To the pool of The Spirit, where people must go To know of their Savior, the King of Ha’Olam Yeshua, the Messiah, He says He will come! Open the earth, the first fruits offering Give to the Lord, the first fruits of the King. Holy Spirit power, a fountain here found Up from the graveyard, Third day, is a sound “Build up my House, with the power I give Speak to the dry bones and then they will live!” We pray for release, to unbury this treasure Together in Spirit, and blessings forever! Pool of Siloam, yafa, beautiful There is an appointed time (mo’edim) for everything. Please pray in the Spirit for the release of the land above the Pool of Siloam in the City of David. The Pool of Siloam (See John Ch. 9) was discovered “accidentally” in 2004 by Eli Shukron and Ronny Reich, Israeli archaeologists. Pray the orchard above the Pool will be released as a first fruits offering unto the Lord God of Israel. Pray for the release of this Holy Spirit power of this treasure. God speaks to me prophetically. It is time for release and it is tied to the Pool of Siloam release. Those who see prophetically, pray with me and say Amen!

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