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  • christinekoppel

A Dream

So the Lord tells me yesterday I will have a dream. I awake at 5 am this morning and remember nothing. I hear Him say in my spirit, "Go back to sleep and you will have a dream and remember it." For me, this is close to a miracle because I rarely remember my dreams.

I awake at 7 am. Sure enough I had a dream I remember. Kelly (my 11 year old daughter) and Elijah (my 6 year old) and I or Kelly and Abigael (16) were on a large baseball field. I see a friend way across the field pushing a heavy load of sports equipment. I believe the friend is S.G. I wave to her and go to maybe help her but as I begin to walk across home plate, I fall to the ground. I am exhausted. I get back up and begin making the trek across the wide field. Half way across, I am too weak to go further. I ask my daughter Kelly to go back to our "stuff" and get my keys. I want to drive to get some fish sandwiches to bring back strength. She gives me attitude which angers me. I repeat to her to get the keys and she goes. I then wake up.

I ask the Lord what the dream means. He says to me that I am weary with the load and mission given to me from Jerusalem. I am asking for help but there is resistance and misunderstanding. I ask about the fish sandwiches. On my short walk this morning, the Lord reminds me of His disciples, discouraged, hopeless, in the fishing boat, after Jesus was crucified. They are catching nothing after a full night of fishing. Jesus says to them, "Cast your net on the other side." They do and everything changes. They catch more than a boatload of fish and then see it is Jesus, Yeshua calling to them from the shore. They are elated. When they make it to Jesus on the shore, He has prepared for them fish and bread, the food to strengthen them. God speaks to me (through the Holy Spirit) and says, "I know how weary you are. You have "fished" for me for almost two years with the same message and caught almost nothing. You feel "not good enough" for this calling. You feel small and hopeless. But I say "Cast your net on the other side!" Things are changing. Come to Me. I have bread and fish to sustain you and strengthen you. And yes, your keys are coming!" I share for any other weary disciples that carry God's Word and it is heavy. God sees your tears and knows your heart. He is coming to strengthen us for the days ahead. I am so thankful for this "fish and bread" and I am joyful for the promise of the keys to open doors that were once locked tight. Hallelujah! We are to build God's Kingdom with gold, silver, and precious stones (His Way), not wood, hay and stubble (man's way) (I Corinthians 3:9-16). God calls out to His builders, "In what place therefore you hear the sound of the trumpet, resort there together unto us. Our God will fight for us." Nehemiah 4:20 Praise You Jesus forever!

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