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I AM Hidden Excerpts

 "Yeshua taught and trained His Jewish disciples to emulate Him and go not only to other Jewish people but into
all the nations to preach the Word of God. As Jesus was to the Jewish people, the Jewish people were to be
unto the nations so that all would know the God of Israel loves all that will come to Him. Genesis 12:2-3,
"And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing.
And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you, and in you (Abraham), will all the families
of the earth be blessed." It was ordained from the beginning." -Chapter 1, page 18

A popular verse that keeps coming up in the United Sates is 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and RETURN (ישבו, yashuvu) from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 
It is a beautiful verse but what does it mean really, practically? Return to who, to what? What have we turned from?  It is just our behavjor or is it deeper than that?  Have we forgotten the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, His promises to the people of Israel and how we are the remnant of nations grafted into them?  That one day they will RETURN as a nation, RETURN as a people, and awaken from their spiritual slumber?  And that because of our deep love and appreciation for them and the understanding of the mystery of the last days, they will RETURN to the God of Israel and the King of the Jews, Yeshua, our Jewish Messiah.  How can they return when we have not returned? We have gotten so far away from the God of Israel that  the Jewish people cannot see their own Messiah.  He does not look like them.  We cannot see our Jewish Messiah either.  We must repent and RETURN." -Chapter 2, page 22-33

"Revival will come through the death of man's religion and a RETURN to the God of Israel and to the true prophetic Word. But without humility, there is no revelation and there is no Revival. There are no answers. Only the tiresome labor of trying to rescue dead branches and attach them to a weak root, a dying tree. There is no life in religion." 
-Chapter 3, page 35

" The Holocaust brought death to millions of our Jewish brothers and sisters while the world sat back and watched it happen. Lambs to the slaughter. Yahovah God will answer this also. The world is trying to do this again. Reject the Jewish people who must RETURN and have been prophesied to return and answer, "blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Yahovah", before Yeshua comes back to the Mount of Olives the second time." -Chapter 3, page 35-36

"Jonah sees all of history. He was a PROPHET. This was his great grief. Not selfishness. Not lack of understanding. But seeing the great cost God's people would pay to save the remnant of nations. Daniel sees it too and he was mourning for three weeks (Daniel 10). He sees the end of days and the people that would cause great destruction.
The whole story - the remnant of nations. This story displays the heart of God. How longsuffering He really is for the remant who truly RETURN to Him. Those that will be grafted into His people as ONE in Him." -Chapter 4, page 60-61

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